Team Members

Nigeeta Kumar

Nigeeta kumar

Nigeeta kumar

Certified Healer and Executive

As a certified Pranic Applications practitioner, Nigeeta works from her heart intending to be of service in all areas of life; health (mind, body & spirit), relationships, finances, general well-being, etc through healing and counseling. She strongly believes that all healing is self-healing and as healers, we are just a mere conduit/ channel of the divine bliss. The key highlight of Nigeeta’s 5-year healing journey was attending Maha Khumbh 2019 as a healer for the inauguration of healing at Kumbh. As a spiritual enthusiast, Nigeeta loves to learn from other spiritual leaders and articulate it to her work. She loves connecting with people and is continuously strives for her spiritual growth.

Phone: 021 1001746

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